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Artists - One of Appalachia's Greatest Assets


If you are from Appalachia, you grow to realize early on, that many people have an image of an Appalachian woman, and they look down on her.

The Women of Appalachia Project™ was created to address discrimination directed at women from the Appalachian region by encouraging participation from women artists of diverse backgrounds, ages and experiences to come together, to embrace the stereotype, to show the whole woman; beyond the superficial factors that people use to judge her.

Working together, women united, we:

  • Seek out venues where women's issues can be examined, addressed, dissected, embellished, and safely shared with audiences and each other through presentations of visual and spoken word art.

  • Empower and strengthen Appalachian visual, literary and performing women artists through fellowship and positive community connections.

  • Provide opportunities for a diverse group of woman to share their art, receive recognition and encouragement, and build strong networks so they continue to thrive, while introducing diverse populations to one of Appalachian's greatest assets, its artists.

We believe in the strength of community.

We tell our stories through our art. 

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